NEW: Creating the building destruction setup. NEW: When to use sop level solvers vs dop level solvers. NEW: Houdini 16/17 and 18 and how to transition.
Setup a workflow for using lowres/higer geometry for simulation vs rendering. Edge displacement and high-res interior. *NEW: Buildings, streets and environment rendering *Rendering the environment and setting up all the passes need to render our particles FX *Shading all the particles FX previously created NEW: Using smoke simulation to enhance particle simulation. NEW: Adding more FX layers to the shockwave. Create various smoke elements to enhance all the particles FX created week 2.
Intro to Houdini volumes and vdb manipulation. NEW: Shockwave design, approach and execution. NEW: Guiding particles and creating intelligent paths and Colliders. NEW: FX Energy design and prototyping the look. Create a simple procedural system that uses path finding to create various particles streams. You should have an introductory knowledge of VEX and PointVOPs You should know the difference between Maya, 3DS Max, and Houdini. If you are unsure if you are qualified for this course, please reach out to us at should have an introductory knowledge of proceduralism and Houdini’s interface.
As a result, we recommend the following course as a prerequisite: Students should have a foundational understanding of Houdini before taking this course. Title: Rebelway – Introduction to Houdini For FX Weeks 1 – 6 Rebelway_-_Advanced_Compositing_for_ – Introduction to Houdini For FX Weeks 1 – 6 In the final weeks, we will composite and create multiple shots using green screen footage and CG elements. Week by week we will build our knowledge of Nuke as the shots increase in complexity and variety. Even if you are new to Nuke, you will find the education to be approachable and fun. You don’t need to be a Nuke expert to get a ton from this course. In this course, we’ll show you how to use Nuke to composite live-action plates with CG elements. Nuke is the industry-standard compositing program and is (in our opinion) the best tool on the market. With it, you can take a plain-looking raw FX pass and make it shine! That’s where the power of Nuke comes into play… The most overlooked skill to hone as a CG and FX artist is compositing.