In future, if you desire to disable or cast off the build–in Administrator Account provide the command on elevated Command Prompt –

In order to active Administrator Account, type the following command –.First, you have to get the list of all the user accounts of your system and to get the list type the command net user and click Enter.To do so simply right click on the Power Menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).How to Enable and Disable Hidden Windows 10 Administrator and Guest Account Way 1: Command Prompt And the users Administrator Account is an unelevated one whereas the built–in is the elevated one. The users Administrator Account faces the prompting of UAC (User Account Control) while the build–in one does not. There is a small difference between the users Administrator Account and build–in Administrator Account. The Administrator Account which is also not active by default can be enabled only in case of troubleshooting or administrative matters. With the Guest Account, you cannot install any hardware or software, or either you can do any system modifications. Among the two accounts, one is the Guest Account and the second one is Administrator Account. But there is one thing you are unaware of, Windows 10 automatically creates two accounts by itself, and here also by default both are kept inactive.

And by default, that account is treated as an administrator account and also is the main account of your system. You make a user account when you first install Windows 10 on your system. By default, that account is turned off or inactive. Multiple ways to Enable Administrator, Guest Account in Windows 10 – A secret or you can also term it as hidden Windows 10 administrator account is there that you might be not aware of.